I did mention about Kirameki Cafe
earlier on my blog
It is located on the 1st floor
of Star City in Kota Kinabalu.
It is a place where you can relax
and enjoy while you're there
with the services from the Maids.
It's a cosplay shop so don't think differently XD
I went there with Charmaine
and we ordered..
I had to take the healthy food
which is the
Creamy Soup & Toast
and the Hot Green Tea
(The Japanese word says 'Love')
for the masters to read.
(I'm going to submit mine too!)
It's a really nice and simple place.
But the only thing that I disagree on
is the tables and chairs.
It would be nice to have something like
the tables and chairs from Starbucks
but then Kirameki Cafe would need
to have 2 floors for that.
But it's alright, I know
it will take time for some improvements :D
Thank You For Reading!
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