[Happened few days ago]
Yeah we have a lot of dogs
waiting outside of the house
for my mum to give them some
chicken heads XD
This is only the ones in front
of our current house.
There's another group of dogs
waiting for my mum
at the new house
in our village.
So...we have about
more than 10 dogs now?
I guess it can't be helped
since my mum likes to spoil
dogs by giving them chicken heads.
We also have cats in our house :D
4 cats and 4 kittens XD
The kittens are so so so cute!!!
I don't want to give them away!
Weeeeeeee (@w@)
that was taken randomly
outside of my house
Aside from that
I spent the whole night
finishing my assignment
regarding 'Balance'
When it comes to design,
Balances means visual weight equilibrium.
Like how much value you should put
to make the drawing or design
balance in a manner.
Sorry but it's really hard
to find good and suitable pictures
to explain about Balance.
So I'll just leave it
to you guys to
do the searching.
ADA 101
Design Communication 1
This is my work:
It's better than what I expected
because I thought that I want to
do this thing all over again
but then I looked back at this drawing
and thought that it's really nice
and that I want to put
some colours on it.
And tadaa~! :D
I used water colours,
poster colours, ballpen, and a 6B pencil
Sketches took about 4-6 hours
and colouring took about 3-4 hours
then the finishing touch
took about 2-3 hours.
if I solely and wholly use
the dining table to do my assignment.
My mum said it's better if I take
this table to my room at the new house
since I really need a big table
to do my assignments.
And usually I don't
really tidy up the table XD
Thank You For The Visit!
Hope You Enjoyed Your Stay!
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