I was suppose to post this last night
but last night the Internet was being a bitch.
It seems that every night there's no internet.
A friend of mine also told me that she
doesn't have internet every night.
I am soooo going to complain
at the Digi Centre
if this goes on.
Okay so yesterday was
Visual Communication in Design class.
We learned Chapter 2 yesterday
which was History & Philosophy of Design.
This chapter mainly talks about
how visual communication development
from prehistoric period to today.
There are four topics in this chapter:
1. History of Visual
2. Theoretical Overview
3. Gestalt Principles
4. Gestalt Application
What interest me the most
was the 21 Century Movement
which is a subtopic of History of Visual.
In this subtopic,
it introduce us about a lot of things.
For example:
French art critic Louis Vauxcelles
first used the term "cubism",
or "bizarre cubiques",
in 1908 after seeing a picture by Braque.
He described it as "full of little cubes",
after which the term quickly gained wide use
although the two creators did not initially adopt it.
Art historian Ernst Gombrich
described cubism as
"the most radical attempt to stamp out ambiguity
and to enforce one reading
of the picture—that of a man-made construction,
a coloured canvas."
+Click here to read more about it+
According to its proponents,
Dada was not art,
it was "anti-art".
Everything for which art stood,
Dada represented the opposite.
Where art was concerned with traditional aesthetics,
Dada ignored aesthetics.
If art was to appeal to sensibilities,
Dada was intended to offend.
Through their rejection of
traditional culture and aesthetics,
the Dadaists hoped
to destroy traditional culture and aesthetics.
But to me I think that dadaism
is something like collage
where you cut and paste pictures.
+Click here to read more about it+
A cultural movement,
initially in poetry and painting,
originating in Germany at the start of the 20th century.
Its typical trait is to present the world
under an utterly subjective perspective,
violently distorting it to obtain an emotional effect
and vividly transmit personal moods and ideas.
Expressionist artists sought to express
the meaning of "being alive"and
emotional experience rather than physical reality
+Click here to read more about it+
There are more actually
such as futurism, surrealism,
photography and the modern movement.
It was really interesting but
some of it were hard to understand
because in our class we don't have
a whiteboard NOR a LCD!!
Lots of people have been complaining
including myself DX
I would prefer the lecturers
use whiteboards because
when explaining art,
you can't just show pictures and craps
you'll also have to show some movement
of how the art works.
I sympathize the lecturers
because some of them have trouble
teaching Mathematics
(I heard)
You know if they held a debate
competition regarding this matter
I would sooooo enter and win it!
now I remember the time
when I was a debater
That's All For Now :D
Thanks For Staying!
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