20th of October, 2010
ADD 105
Visual Communication in Design
Today's class there was only
Ledister, Joey, Voo and I
The rest of our buddies
didn't show up because
I think they didn't finish their assignment
but then even Ledister didn't finish
and he still attended class.
You guys that missed class
are such chickens XD
So I passed up my assignment
and guess what
it was rejected! :D
hahahahaha XD
The lecturer said if I wanted more marks
I have to re-do everything
and make sure it has a visual hierarchy.
When he mentioned visual hierarchy
I was like "Oh yaaaahh!!!!"
which means I just realized that
that was missing.
So then yeah,
I have to re-do everything again XD
Assignments are loading
all the time
and the lecturer said
"that's what a designer's life is like
to be catching up deadlines"
I was like "Owh ma gawd"
and went "wohoo!!"
then we all laughed together
hahahahaha XD
We just received our new schedule
on Principle of Architecture & Design
and History & Theory of Architecture 1
so now we will be attending 5 classes :D
Yay! No more "no lecturers" issues!!
Thanks For The Visit!
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