is visiting my blog!
I know it's kinda a bit late
because I've been pretty busy
before Christmas.
So first of all,
lemme talk about the rejected assignment XD
I did a little bit of shading
using pointillism.
It took me 2-3 hours
just to shade it.
then after that I drove to college
met up with my college friends
and passed up my assignments.
After that I went to
my sweetheart's house
to celebrate Christmas Eve
with his family :D
it was really fun :3
especially the food (@w@)
Oh ma gawd the food was yummy~
Then the next day,
I went home
and slept XD hahahhaha
That's All For Now!
Merry Christmas!
1 cups:
Merry Christmas Francess & Well Done (^_^)
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